A downloadable game for Windows

Game Info

Genre: Thriller/Simulation

Returning home from a fun and eventful evening with his friends, Ray realizes he forgot something important: his first wedding anniversary with his wife! Now, he must clean up the house, drink coffee to sober up, and prepare a romantic table within an hour. However, things will get much more complicated than expected. A dark secret, unexpected events, and challenging obstacles await. Are you ready to experience every emotion in this thrilling game? Let's see if Ray can manage to set everything right on this wedding anniversary.


  • WASD - Movement
  • Shift - Run
  • Ctrl - Crouch
  • F - Interaction
  • I - Inventory
  • J - Journal
  • 1 2 3 4 5 - Change Item
  • Space - Regulate heartbeats
  • P - Pause

How to Play

  1. Complete Missions: Follow the objectives to prepare for the anniversary.
  2. Solve Puzzles: Interact with objects and find clues to progress.
  3. Manage Time: Plan your actions to complete tasks within the time limit.
  4. Hide in Locker: Use lockers to hide and avoid detection.
  5. Use Inventory: Collect and use items to help you with tasks.
  6. Check Journal: Keep track of your objectives and hints.

Tip: She can hear you walking. Use Ctrl to crouch when she's near.


DemoVideo 521 MB
DemoGame 41 MB
Drunk In Love v1.1 331 MB

Install instructions

Have Fun!

Development log

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